You have become a laughing stock in your neighbourhoods. It’s no secret that your partner is cheating on you. He even fathered children with the other woman. Do you really deserve this? Do you deserve to be treated like that?
Your partner is a liar and a serial cheat. He stays out late at night with his friends and other women, whilst you are home alone with kids. You try to talk to him about it but it seems to be falling on deaf ears. He does not want to listen to you.
He doesn’t want to cater for you and your children’s need, but when it comes to his side chick and friends he spares no expenses. Whenever you ask him for financial assistance he gets angry at you. He constantly disappears from home for an extended period of time. When he comes back home he does not bother to explain where he was or even apologise to you. Is this the kind of relationship you signed up for? How long are you going to stay in that cold and loveless relationship?

Table of Contents
isichitho sesongololo
My daughter, why do you allow this man to continue disrespecting you? Have you not cried enough tears? You can’t let this man continue to belittle you like this. Stop him now with my isichitho sesongololomuthi (the breakup spell of millipede) and make him shrug away from any person who is keeping him away from you.
Isichitho sesongololo muthi (the breakup spell of a millipede) will stop your partner from cheating on you. However much his other woman tries to romance him, nothing will come out of your man. My isiscitho seshongololo muthi (the breakup spell of a millipede) will be in control breaking them up. The only person who will be on his mind is you.
Once you use my isichitho sesongololomuthi (the breakup spell of a millipede), it is going to multiply his love for you like the legs of the shongololo. He is going to be in love with you. love you gain unconditionally. My isichitho sesongololomuthi (the breakup spell of a millipede will make your partner think about you every time they try to cheat on you. He will fear you and will want to do anything to make sure that you are happy and
Disable him from sleeping with other women
Stop worrying about your partner sleeping with other women anymore. isichitho sesongololo muthi (the breakup spell of a millipede) will kill his erection. Every time he tries to have sex with someone who is not you, it won’t work. The only time his penis will erect is when he is with you. Never again will you have to worry about him being out with other women. Once you use isichitho sesongololo muthi (the breakup spell of a millipede) his mood will instantly change when he is with other women. He will feel irritated by them and come home looking for you.
Take control of your relationship today. Make your partner curl up in fear whenever they think of cheating on you. Order my isichitho sesongololo muthi (the breakup spell of a millipede) and bind your partner to you.