Your ex boyfriend was an alcoholic, drug abuser and many more things which you never ever want to find yourself being associated with. Yes, indeed you loved him very much. He spoiled and pampered you like gold. There hasn’t been a smooth operator you’ve seen like him before. He always knew what to say and what to do every single time he got into trouble. You thought he was your future partner who dreamed of marrying and having a family together.
Little you did not now that he is a devil himself and not man enough for you. Family and friends warned you to stay away from him but you stayed hoping he will change. Look what is happening now in your life. He wasted all your time, energy and resource. Up to now, you are still fighting him to leave you alone so that you move on with your life peacefully. He has turned your life upside down with his threats and abuses.
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Muthi to make your ex leave you alone
This man has made it impossible for you to live your life. He has stalked you everywhere, harassed you personally including the guy you want to be serious with. Every move you to take to move on with your life, he is there to drag you back down. It’s time to put him in his place for all the pain and agony he caused you. You have to stand up on your own, for your own and fight this battle for him to leave you alone peacefully. Finish with him and put a stop-nonsense for him not to enter with my muthi to make my ex leave me alone. That way you’re going to be able to easily move him out of your life immediately.

He wants to come back in your life to put you in misery again. As if his abusive behaviour, was not enough. Now he is haunting you with his excessive phone calls and non-stop texts. Woman, diagnose him with my muthi to make my ex leave me alone. It will put an end to the ongoing fight between you and him by eliminating him out of your life.
Force him respect you and the decision you took to leave him
muthi to make my ex leave me alone will force him to put his focus away from you. Chief luko’s muthi to make my ex leave me alone will take away his obsession and eagerness he has over you. Stop him from completely calling, texting and bothering you with his threats. My muthi to make my ex leave me alone will make him acknowledge that it’s completely over between you and him. There is no way he will ever stalk you once you use my muthi to make my ex leave me alone. It will make him completely back off from your life and your new relationship.
Gain control of your love life again away from your ex’s threats and abuse. Stop him from running over your love life. Force