Zwanamina muthi

Zwanamina muthi


Zwanamina muthi. Can you imagine how frustrating and saddening it is to talk to your boyfriend and he is not listening to a word your saying? He does not obey or respect whatever comes out of your mouth. All I know is that a woman is a communicator by nature. Whether she is a good or a bad communicator nevertheless she is still talks.  Even if it’s not through her mouth, her body on its own speaks volumes.

Your life partner can listen and pay attention to his friends or family members. He does willingly whatever they demand of him to do. Most of the time he even goes the extra mile to please them just to keep them around.

NB: Don’t contact me after buying those things you buy from shops thinking its muthi yet its not asking me how it works. I don’t sell muthi in containers and I don’t have a shop. I am an ordinary traditional healer and I use my Zwanamina muthi to help my clients in need. I don’t sell muthi so please stop contacting me asking me how the one you bought works because it’s not my Zwanamina muthi mine is different.If you need mine simply contact me

Make him listen to you

When it’s your turn, it’s always a different story. Everything you ask him to do for you with instructions given to him, it goes in one ear and comes out the other ear as if what you want, asked or say to him was not important.

Communication is the main key in a relationship or marriage. Good communication leads to great satisfaction and increases respect in one another. Now tell me how is your communication with him? Does he even communicate with you about anything? Let’s leave this here for now.  On the other hand, bad communication suffocates you to a point where you feel there is just not enough air to breathe. Mostly when your man does not want to pay attention and listen to you as he should. When he pays all his attention and gives ear to outsiders then you’re relationship is in real trouble.

Zwanamina muthi

You have to do something about it. I know you have tried all you can to make him listen to you but all went in vain. Now use my zwanamina muthi to make him listen to you only. My zwanamina muthi will make your life partner be obedient and respectful to your needs and wants. Anything you need or want will be the main priority to him.

zwanamina muthi will make him always put your needs and wants first above the rest including his own. He will sacrifice and compromise his happiness to make you the happiest woman ever to live. Once you have used this zwanamina muthi, you are going to be his priority in all aspects. Not even his family or friends will come between you and him.

contact chief Luko
contact chief Luko

Establish good communication

Your misunderstandings and poor communication, which has been leading you to unnecessary arguments, will be no more after using zwanamina muthi. So no more feeding into your insecurities because this man is here to obey and listen.

This is the time to be direct and concise there is no room for confusion. All his attention is meant to be yours. His ears and mind belong to you, this man is supposed to love and respect you as you do. Now make him do that with the help of my zwanamina muthi. It’s going to put him back in his place.

 I say to you right now experience a world where you and your partner listen, obey and understand each other in peace and harmony. Your problem is one that can be fixed right now as I am speaking to you. So allow your relationship to flourish. Order my zwanamina muthi and make him the man he should be to you.

contact chief Luko
contact chief Luko

How to make your man listen to you

 A man communicates in a different way which makes it very hard for a woman because the way we communicate is not the “same”, yes we do use the same mediums of communication which is mainly our mouths and our bodies but the main problem comes when one needs to express whatever emotion or feeling.

Men can be very insensitive towards a woman’s feelings because when it comes to the mind a woman it is the smallest things that go an extra-long way. Women are emotional beings and the man will always find that to be annoying or irritating because they don’t know how to deal with the high level of emotions.

Apologies and petty-Zwanamina muthi

Apologies and petty “I’m sorry” never mend a broken heart. The frustration, anger and hurt just pile up to a point where you end up resorting in violence. Hopefully, that is not the perfect solution. As a woman, it is important to be firm with your partner never let him think he has to read in-between the lines because he will never “read right”.

contact chief Luko
contact chief Luko

It is always important that when communicating with a man, to receive optimum results you always have to lay down the consequences of his neglectful actions because without warning he will not have that element of fear, respect and guilt and that is what is needed to place him in line.

Speak and be heard by their partner

Woman all around when they speak and wish to be heard by their partner, they should call a “spade a spade” communicating what needs to be addressed in your relationship should never need sugar coating, it needs the truth in whatever situation it might be this will result in absolute satisfaction for both parties.

At times it is important in a relationship to place ultimatums which can be said to be threats. An ultimatum is to be used when there is no other way in which your partner and you can come to a joint agreement. This will make the man have steadfast thinking to reach a concrete answer, whether or not it’s favourable to him but surely it will be favourable to you as the woman who initiated it.

A man is to listen to the woman because a woman is wise. Just when a man listens all misunderstandings and insecurities fade away there’s no need for petty insignificant fights that never mean anything but still, do have the power to destroy the relationship. Make your man listen and understand you, by you as the woman communicating openly and honestly without you having to sugar coat what needs to be addressed.

contact chief Luko
contact chief Luko

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